With Data Privacy Week in full swing we delve into the world of safeguarding...
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Shaping Modern Workplaces: A Strategic Dialogue with Gemma, Head of HR & Employee Engagement
In the ever-evolving landscape of business, Human Resources (HR) is assuming a...
Return to office – is it happening in 2024?
The grand return to the office has become the buzz of corporate landscapes,...
The Significance of In-Person Meetings in the Era of Hybrid Work
As the world transitions into a hybrid work model, the significance of...
Streamline Meetings with GemEx’s Booking Services Enhancements
Are you tired of the hassle of managing your bookings and service requests...
Navigating the workday with a Workplace App
In today’s rapidly evolving corporate landscape, the concept of Workplace...
Product Update: GemEx Booking Rules Streamlining Workspace Management
As the workplace continues to evolve, companies are seeking innovative...
Enhancing Tenant Experience: How can property owners improve the tenant experience
In today's competitive real estate market, creating a positive tenant...
Employee Onboarding Best Practices in Hybrid Working
The pandemic has forced companies to adapt to remote working, and many are...