Event Recap: The Workplace Event 2024

by | 15 May 2024

From April 30th to May 2nd, the Spica team, including myself, had the privilege of exhibiting at The Workplace Event held at NEC Birmingham. It was a whirlwind of three days packed with enlightening conversations, innovative presentations, and valuable networking opportunities. Here’s a glimpse into our experience at the event:

Insightful Presentations

The Workplace Event served as a hub for thought leaders and industry professionals to meet and explore the latest trends and innovations in workplace technology and employee experience. From discussions on IoT and smart buildings to strategies driven by data, the presentations were both informative and inspiring.

One of the highlights was Spica’s own presentation on ‘Data-Driven Employee Centric Workplace: The Recipe for Success,’ where we shared our insights on harnessing data to create meaningful workplace experiences. The positive feedback and engagement from attendees reinforced the importance of our message and highlighted the need for collaborative solutions in the ever-evolving workplace landscape.

Simon Hilton and Paul Mundy presenting at The Workplace Event.

Strengthening Connections

Collaboration was a central theme throughout the event, and I had a chance to connect with industry peers, clients, and fellow enthusiasts. Whether it was discussing potential collaborations with like-minded professionals or exploring opportunities with clients already utilising our solutions, the sense of camaraderie and shared vision was visible.

I also had the pleasure of interacting with exhibitors and attendees who shared our passion for driving innovation and transformation in the workplace. From exchanging ideas on future collaborations to sharing best practices and insights, the networking aspect of the event proved invaluable in expanding our horizons.

My Key Takeaways

1. The workplace is about people and collaboration more than it is about space and technology. An employee-centric approach is critical – create spaces that people want to be in, and use technology to give them the best experiences. (ROE – return on experience is the new ROI). 

2. The workplace is always evolving and if your strategy doesn’t incorporate flexibility or the ability to adapt to the changing needs of your business or your employees it’s unlikely to be a success. 

3. So much talk of data – do you have enough? Or too much? Either way, if you haven’t identified the challenges you’re trying to solve it doesn’t matter. Don’t collect data for the sake of it, work out what data you need to help overcome the challenges. 

The Workplace Event 2024

As I reflect on my time at The Workplace Event, I’m excited to build on the connections made at The Workplace Event. At Spica, our focus has always been on leveraging technology to create exceptional workplaces for employees and shape the future of work: now. The Workplace Event provided us with an excellent platform to showcase our solutions and share our insights with industry leaders, clients, and fellow enthusiasts.

Looking forward to retuning in 2025!